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Dusit Thani Mactan Cebu's Compost Waste Disposal

Dusit Thani Mactan Cebu's Compost Waste Disposal

In DTMC, our F&B Kitchen Team practice this initiative they call "Compose Waste Disposal" where they collect and recycle food waste. Composting scrap fruits and vegetables from the hotel's kitchen have various advantages and objectives such as production of biofertilizer, relatively low water and air pollution and income generator.  Composting as a sustainable waste management technique in the hotel employs environmental friendliness. It is effective, efficient and less costly. The goal is to reduce and eliminate adverse impacts of waste materials on our health and safety of the people and to save our environment.

Poor disposal of waste can make a huge impact to the environment such as air pollution, land pollution and can lead to many different health conditions. As such, waste management and safe disposal of waste have massive and far-reaching consequences for the environment and are vital importance. The hospitality industry is one of the businesses that is accounted for the most waste generated all over the world. DTMC's daily operation provides an excellent testing ground for waste management technique. Besides from changing the operational habits, classification of waste is probably the most important phase directed to better waste management. Our team members are learning these steps as a policy we reinforce to reduce the pointless use of resources. Whatever we invest in waste recycling will return with an interest in the long run. 
Through this process, the hotel can save an amount of ranging from PHP3000-PHP6000 pesos in a month by not including it in the garbage disposal but rather placing in the hotel's compost pit. These are added to the soil and can be used for planting microgreens (vegetable/fruits) that can be used as ingredients in the hotel's kitchen. The measures taken by this initiative are mostly centered on changing certain habits of the team members of the entire hotel. Waste disposal has become an opportunity to save and attracts guests to being sustainable. For the employees, this a good training of bringing awareness to their role in their responsibility in the environment. For our guests, this innovative strategy is a better way to connect and serve guest. Therefore, waste is a resource and not a problem. In our own little way, we can save the industry and save the environment.