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RHomes's Responsible Energy & Water Consumption

RHomes's Responsible Energy & Water Consumption

Robinsons Homes has always taken it upon itself to responsibly manage energy and water consumption in its offices with the knowledge that it is part of its social responsibility towards its employees and residents to help sustain the environment.  

Deliberate efforts are undertaken to conserve energy such as the turning off of lights in unused meeting rooms, unplugging of electrical devices even during weekends, and turning off of lights during lunch breaks. Water was also responsibly used and consumption monitored.  

One of the definitions of responsible consumption and production is sustainable management of natural resources and adoption of sustainable practices and sustainability reporting. The entry embodies this category since it covers all of these and while Metro Manila and some key cities use hydropower which does not really cause pollution (but may affect land), we have branches that are located in areas that rely on coal-fired powerplants. Thus, the stable use of power consumption across all branches is necessary as it will lessen the harmful impact of electricity consumption overall. For water consumption, it’s also close monitoring of leaks, utilizing rainwater for landscaping requirements, among others. Thus ensuring there is minimal wastage, if any. 

The stable use of energy and the lowering of water consumption across all branches nationwide within the past two years is a good example of this aside as there are minimal fluctuations in usage from 2020-2021.  

While the practice of sustainable energy consumption is not unique to any company or industry, the organization knows that the sum of all our contributions will benefit everybody as a whole. 
For power consumption, there was a slight variance only in energy consumption from 2020-2021 during the same time period while for water consumption there was a steep drop in consumption from 2020-2021 also in the same time period. 

2020 97,265.55 902,604.00
2021 107,344.60 986,511.79


2020 3905.81
2021 2590.04

The benefits of energy conservation and less water consumption is not usually directly felt by the employees and residents. However, with the current issues on climate change, these benefit us as a whole and are indirectly felt through improved air and water quality, less tropical storms, lowering of global temperatures, leading to a better quality of life, amongst others.