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RLC aims to assess all its properties on their impact on nature and communities by 2030

RLC aims to assess all its properties on their impact on nature and communities by 2030

At Robinsons Land Corporation, we uphold Responsible Land Use by maximizing the potential of our land bank and operating assets, meeting our development planning priorities, and conserving green, open spaces.

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, responsible land use means converting and repurposing our unused spaces to deliver essential goods and services that address the changing needs of our market. Some of our best practices that demonstrate responsible land stewardship are the creation and provision of: rent-free spaces for government services, green open spaces, transport hubs, pick up stations, al fresco dining, quarantine rooms, and gardens, among others.

RLC’s focus on Responsible Land Use, a manifestation of its responsible business practice guided by the widely recognized Environmental, Social and Governance criteria, supports the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goal (UNSDG) #11: Sustainable Cities & Communities.

RLC aims to assess all its properties to see their overall impact on nature and communities by 2030. For more details, see the RLC Sustainability Report 2021 on RLC’s website.

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