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RLC Drives Solutions for Marine Litter

As an industry leader, Robinsons Land Corporation promotes responsible water use and proper waste management; and pursues innovations in waste recovery and diversion that result in a circular economy.

By focusing on responsible Water and Waste stewardship, RLC supports the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal (UNSDG) #14: Life Below Water. Its commitment to manage water usage and waste are validated by efforts such as operating waste processing facilities and implementing green practices such as recycling. Among notable efforts in water management are: operation of wastewater treatment and rainwater collection facilities; and the  integration of water-efficient features in building design. For waste stewardship, best practices include: improved Solid Waste Management practices in our malls, modelled after UNAID’s SWM manual; decluttering projects in residential properties; recycling markets; upcycling drives for relief operations; and process streamlining for food conservation. For more details, see the RLC Sustainability Report 2021 by visiting RLC’s website.

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