Robinsons GenSan Joins LGU in their Mangrove Planting & Coastal Clean- Up Activity
Adopted by UNESCO in 2015, the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem is celebrated every year on 26 July and aims to raise awareness of the importance of mangrove ecosystems as “a unique, special and vulnerable ecosystem” and to promote solutions for their sustainable management, conservation and uses.
In support of this worldwide advocacy, Robinsons GenSan, in cooperation with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) GenSan, mobilized R Kalikasan, RLove’s environmental sustainability program. Through R Kalikasan, mall employee volunteers, led by Mall Operations Manager Leomabelle Velandria, were deployed in Brgy. Buayan to contribute to the coastal clean-up drive and planting of mangrove saplings.
Robinsons GenSan's backing of DENR-CENRO's environmental initiatives shows a solid dedication to promoting environmental sustainability that extends beyond the confines of its mall property.
R Kalikasan is RLove's environmental sustainability CSR program. R Kalikasan takes up greening initiatives and volunteerism projects that aim to mitigate climate change and reduce wastes sent to landfills; supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG): #13 - Climate Action & #14 - Life below water.
RLove believes that as one community, we must stand united in our efforts in contributing to a brighter and greener future for our shared home.